FSE Istanbul 2010 : Tous experts !

Méthodologie d’atelier

Trace d’une intervention du GFEN au Forum Social Européen d’Istanbul, le 3 juillet 2010.

Atelier conjoint du Réseau Migrants, avec Mariangela, Italie, et du Réseau Éducation avec Joëlle, France.

La méthodologie de l’atelier a été travaillée en amont et en commun par des animatrices qui ne se connaissaient pas mais souhaitaient l’une et l’autre promouvoir une forme d’atelier qui relève moins de la conférence traditionnelle que d’une recherche collaborative et dialogique ancrée dans le partage de la parole et de l’expérience des participants. Mariangela en a réalisé un court montage-photo qui explicite la démarche vécue ce jour-là, et qui, publié sur le site de Bellaciao, a entraîné quelques commentaires.

Le montage-photo : cliquer sur le lien pour le télécharger.

Méthodologie de Forum

Commentaires relevés à l’époque sur le site de Bellaciao :

  • 1. Francine Mestrum  |  13 luglio 2010 at 16:50

And a coincidence that this is promoted by women?
Not possible to do in all workshops but a very good example of how to involve more people in our activities, how to construct something collectively, bottom-up.

  • 2. August Nilsson  |  16 luglio 2010 at 10:27

Great to see the workshop so clearly described, the concrete methods used. The exchange of methods is in itself very vital, and ofcourse an important example of how to have workshops in different ways, involving.

August, Attac Sweden

  • 3. Hi everyone

I saw Mariangela’s video (see link above if you missed it) on the techniques that were used in Istanbul for the migration and education workshop. Unfortunately I could not be there, but the intention of the workshop was, from the start, that of having a space free from the usual dynamics of ‘we talk, you listen and ask questions’ to try to have as much as possible a collective effort that would be practically useful and jointly built. 

I think it would be really useful to have a discussion and some feedback (especially from the people who were there) about this way of working: what did you think of it, what was good about it, what could be improved, what other ways could there be, and so on. This could be useful not just for our network, but also for all the other networks, to try and move away from the ‘traditional’ way of doing things and find alternatives that actually reflect the ‘different world’ we would like in the practices we use. 



  • 4. The way the workshop was conducted, trying to be as personal and as interactive as possible, was in my opinion the best and strongest asset of it. Of course the topic of migration and education is absolutely poignant and interesting, but what really drew me in was the urge I saw to break some of the boxes and routinary practices that we now take for granted and maybe rely too much upon (the I speak, you listen and then ask questions routine, for example).
    I was negatively surprised to see that, apart from this workshop and the beginning of the lecture on “education and emancipation” there has been little to no space for people to really feel personally engaged with and challenged by the issues that were discussed on the forum and I certainly hope to see more and more ideas that allow for a stronger and different kind of participation in the future.
    Stefania Marchese